Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Sent my first piece out!

 I finished and sent my first Bold TIP Tip to Deborah, hoping to hear back from her.

I realize, I need to take my presentation and make the quiltwork presentation its own "blog"

Monday, March 4, 2024

Work with CTEL group

 Today, as part of the CTEL group, there were helpful things to do in classes. I will adopt some of the phrasing for my content warning--as well as the feelings wheel.

Very good stuff. I'm glad I am in the group.

Part of me feels the push to send things soon--so I plan some time to do so.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

This week

This last week I returned a few more of the books I had checked out, as well as worked on my content warning statement as well as a small article for the power of the outcast based on tokopah Turner's book belonging.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Catch up

 Last week I was working on some of the smaller posts so I could feel a sense of accomplishment. Today I went to the seatel group which talked about the different types of trauma and what to do in the classroom to help.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Classroom matters

 I did a couple of hours of writing today about classroom, about not pushing students too much about their personal lives while offering resources to them. Also about sending students in groups or asking for a couple of hands.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Week off

 By the way I took the last week off because I went to awp and then I was very exhausted on Monday and tuesday.

The three zones graphics

 Today I was working on the Zone approximal growth, zone of regulation, and the window of tolerance. I'm working on the small write-up as a kind of introduction to how I see trauma informed pedagogy. I did some more voice to text tonight and should be able to wrap it up on friday.