Monday, February 26, 2024

Catch up

 Last week I was working on some of the smaller posts so I could feel a sense of accomplishment. Today I went to the seatel group which talked about the different types of trauma and what to do in the classroom to help.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Classroom matters

 I did a couple of hours of writing today about classroom, about not pushing students too much about their personal lives while offering resources to them. Also about sending students in groups or asking for a couple of hands.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Week off

 By the way I took the last week off because I went to awp and then I was very exhausted on Monday and tuesday.

The three zones graphics

 Today I was working on the Zone approximal growth, zone of regulation, and the window of tolerance. I'm working on the small write-up as a kind of introduction to how I see trauma informed pedagogy. I did some more voice to text tonight and should be able to wrap it up on friday.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Against Authoritarian Teaching

 As I'm going over my belonging book as I'm about to return it, it feels like a lot of things are coming together for a larger article. That the idea of belonging and authoritarianism are at odds with each other. I'm also bringing up the black Cinema class I taught with ideas of how to move forward. Like when David from K-State was total authoritarianism.

I am also writing about why TIP--but from the approach that is down-to-earth. We can go over all the statistics, but really, not everyone will get on board--just like administration says we celebrate diversity and inclusion, but we know not all of our colleagues don't feel that way. 

I worked a few hours!

Add a note I am checking out the people colors book, that this form of being in the world is not and should not be a detriment but is just another way to communicate with someone.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Bold TIP Tips

I did an hour and a half of writing today, working on the small mini pieces of what a humorously called bold tip tips and I'm enjoying it. I take each of the tic/tip components like safety, collaboration, etc

Then I elaborate on how it fits each of those components.

I'm really enjoying this.