Saturday, January 20, 2024

Week One of TIP Grant

It was half a week has Tuesday was a snow day, but going to see Amri B Johnson talk on Wednesday night was really amazing.

It made me think about how two of the teachers he mentioned that help shaped his life were teachers that were not supportive of me. They were toxic. But to me.

The idea of belonging seems to play a key role with trauma-informed pedagogy.

When you focus on belonging, you can focus on all of the different aspects. Again the quilt work.

The wonderful breakthrough I made too at the start was while reading the book by Jeffrey L Cohen, belonging the science of creating connection and bridging divides. Dr Cohen is a leading social psychologist as well as connects with so many people doing the work on the front lines. I realized that with all of the storytelling, my writing will need to take on this the same storytelling. I realize as he's well connected, he's speaking from his own experiences. My writing will need to be auto-ethnography, so I should research a little more about that.

I picked up all of my books from the library and Andrea thought it looked really interesting.

But I still do need to make be mindful that I am writing about trauma informed pedagogy.

The interesting conversation that also came up was about these catchphrase words, and that people are really resistant when these catchphrase words come up. Even the words diversity and inclusion somehow triggers certain people.

The quilt work approach that I am taking with my courses matches the quilt work approach of our classrooms, that we want everyone to feel like they belong.

Some of the work I did this week included reading the belonging book, doing research with articles, and thinking about those articles against trauma-informed. I know that my autoethnography writing will include how I slipped into trauma informed pedagogy from trauma-informed care, based on being brought up by nurses.

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