Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Day 48

I'm in Wichita, doing some writing for Speaking Out at the Movies, research on scrying, some other writing. Scrying is like poetry, looking for symbols, then interpreting.

Incantations, seem to be asking for visions to be "pure and true."

This is putting the ego aside, asking someone for a sign, invocation of the muse.

I went to see Bad Night at the El Royale--such a wonderful film. I am back to thinking about my invocation poem to films and my boys. I might just need to write out why I took the night trips.

Ultimately, Wichita's area is not a great source for inspiration for me.

Good news about this all, just like the books I needed were in my hands, the same with Trickster Feminism. I just found out about scrying last night and then I turn the book today and see the word scrying. Anne Waldman's poems rooted in ritual to face today.

Water gazing


The simplest technique is known as gazing or scrying, in which water is used to create symbols of the future. To perform this ancient rite, pour water into a blue ceramic bowl. Ask your question. Sit with your back to the light in a darkened room and gaze into but not at the water. (Some people add a few drops of blue food color or ink to the water to darken it; this is particularly useful when using a light colored bowl.)

As with a crystal ball, the water may cloud. Eventually you may begin to see symbols within its cool depths. Make note of any such symbols. When no further symbols are seen, begin the process of interpretation.

Some water gazers prefer to have the light of a candle reflected on the water surface. Others take the bowl outside on a cloudless night and, capturing the moon's reflection, divine by its appearance on the water.

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