Thursday, November 8, 2018

Day 59

So did I mention the dream that I had the other night, where I wrote a poem that started with one line and had branches out? I realized I can use this technique to write 100 quatre ins that begin with the same line. I want to look at that making up form book again to see what quatrains can do, but I have a pretty good idea using the first line borrowed from what Brenda Hellman wrote in big energy poets. I also wrote a poem with the same title, it's an absurd situation.
The thing I'm finding out and experimenting with this is I wanted to read both ways both left to right up and down and with the trees. The way to do that is 2 right out of the tree perspective then you have a whole column of lines to change to switch around so that you can finish both
Has a fan of index cards this is where the index cards will come in handy to start with 100 cards and putting them on a board so I can move them around change them Etc then all I have to do when I pack up is to put the cards in order and it would deck again. Long-term plan would be that everyone could leave with their own poem as index cards
With instructions of how to spread that out. Wow I'm thinking of Travis and Jenna Marie McDonald as people to submit this to
Today is the first day of snow and with the snow in Awakening. It Dawns on me I'm trying to use the chinto form. To make Quan trains. I need to just go through energy poets book and use fragments to write this poem. I also wonder about using the water books too. For those I will want to specifically find passages that include Pond or water. These are my constraints. So assembling a hundred index cards with spare ones to throw out some of them I don't need will create this poem. This will be perfect for the future project project 3
Maybe this is something to include to that as I'm painting today something my brother-in-law calls menial I am letting go and these ideas just come back to me in my brain as I'm listening to music. By ignoring the project the project comes to me.
If a poem is imagery and wallpaper patterns I remove poem after poem off the wall, getting to the source, while retaining all the poets who came here before me placing their work up on the wall
Poem scattered on the floor
So my brother-in-law said painting is a menial job. People Se poetry as the same. When I tried painting it sucjed. Then he showed me tips, and I got better at it. However, he said he got as much wallpaper off the wall, and when I tried I could do it. He put bare effort I to it, got a barely clean wall. I put all into it, found the wall and accomplishmebt. It will take time to write a great poem. You still will need to patch up with spackle.
it happened again this is how you can tie your creativity in as in the back of your mind you have a project you are working on. Here I am using a flat scraper to peel off three to four layers of wallpaper off of the wall and I think of how therapeutic it feels in order to be tearing up in order to build again
Then I think about the destruction myths and before I know it I'm reminding myself about my current chento project and that I need to turn to the destruction myths aka the flood myths  and drought myths to incorporate in my project for today. Appropriating appropriate sources.
My brother-in-law See's poetry as trivial as a bare wall and writing poetry as menial as painting the ball. Still I could paint better once he showed me some tips. And what about the four layers of wallpaper that need removed. He said he removed what he could but when I took up the scraper I could remove everything that was left. It took a while to scrape that all off it took some time to spackle and revise that wall then I could set out with my roller set out to make something shine because I had to make a difference to that wall
Drywall 39 X 23 for hallway into basement
Bohemian Rhapsody as a project about Highlander the movie Queen soundtrack my mother Topeka eggs depression
Highlander on VHS with all the faded colors is the perfect movie for a depressed teen to fall in love with. We want to believe in the ideas of chivalry before we learn part of the patriarchy is the perpetuation that women need saved. It's actually the older boys we need to save themselves from falling into masculinity
About Queen's Greatest Hits when I was in elementary school about Queens greatest hits when I was in elementary school and I listened to Queen all the time trying to get the Highlander soundtrack until finally a kind of magic was released
The Show Must Go On as a song I'd listen to

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