Monday, September 30, 2024

My memoir

I know that the one thing I will need to keep in mind when I'm sitting down to writing is to have those books that I admire and can borrow from for my own approaches. I'm talking about women and other monsters, midnight fuel, and now this book Girls on Film lessons from a life of watching women in movies by Alicia Malone. What an amazing way to weave movies into her memoir.

On top of this I know that the academic kind of stuff that I want to interweave needs to be done in this tradition. That I'll need to just weave in the things about such a movie like xanadu. Already I am Vision the book for starting with the trailer but I'm sure in journaling about. Then although I definitely will travel through time throughout my book, I will need to Center on what would the most influential movie be. I'll need to call out the point that it's important for me to talk about gender studies and women's studies, that one movie which would be the mark of the most horrible of all films that even the razzies started, which would be Xanadu, was really at a crucial point in my life that I needed movies to save me.

Page 94 of Girls on Film would be a good way for me to write about Santa do, the culmination of what I could be, even the queer nods of the women who were more than sisters through their dancing, the lesbian call by Andre Lorde to claim and reclaim the body.

I'm at that point where I also need to carry around my rose quartz crystal again, as I see the trees and I'm so excited about the Autumn weather. I'm also excited about the prospect of finally getting this disc healed that's causing my limp leg.


Add Paisley Rekdal's The Broken Country!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

End of September 2024

 I love that we had Autumn weather on the first day of autumn, but this really shows me to how September becomes a blur toward the end. There was just so much work.

I guess this is the argument for why sabbatical should just be given. We are going to use the time to develop our scholarly work in a way that we couldn't win we are teaching classes.

It would be hard to explain to someone who's a blue collar worker why this work can be exhausting. I know because I come from a family of blue collar workers. Their work was equally exhausting, in the study teaching life doesn't seem like it would be the same kind of work. It isn't!

It really is the anxieties and stresses of trying to avoid burnout, as well as how taxing it might be if a student plays Rises or continues to disrupt class, that we have to put extra energy and our minds are filled with those kind of things instead of just being able to cut off from the school and enjoy some time at home.

And what I mean by enjoy time at home, be able to do the things necessary at home too!

Okay I'm going to stop this and just say I finished another essay about the Matrix that I should polish. I like how these different things about the Matrix are turning out.

Wystan is getting into Queen's soundtrack to Highlander, so we will watch that soon, speeding forward through the sex scene.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Notes on what to work on next

 I'm going to write my cinema therapy article on mental romcom something I'll need to do Tuesday

So I should send out that emdr blog

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fastest rejection

 Psychology today let me know this morning that they were turning down my blog proposal. Well, that's the fastest rejection I've ever received, but I'm also glad that I don't have to wait that long.

I'm going to look for another Journal of Psychology and film. I also do want to work on that mental romantic comedy curated list of films. Of course, it would also mean to watch those movies again and which I will be this semester.

Eternal sunshine, Punch-Drunk love, Silver Linings playbook.

The heuristic mythology at the movies list is also in works so that's nice.

I do wonder if I could put together the curated list for children and Authority, the one with school of rock, kings of summer, amd what was the third?

Of course given odd to stand by me. Given nod to holes.

Boys struggling with masculinity.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

My first blog proposal!


I finished my blog to wish that psychology today would publish it, not realizing that I would be submitting a Blog proposal. Wow, I am a little in shock that I went for it. I hope they read my intentions and know that they are good. If I don't get in one time maybe I'll just try again?

I let Jericho know because they were telling me that is why they enroll in these classes, so they can get their personal work done. I told them about how I was having a hard time getting work done and finding time, so maybe this is my class? To be able to have a Blog on psychology today? Will they accept me as a writer while I include psychology based things? Maybe my Memoir is a way of being justified as publishable? We'll see what they say.

Here it is Tuesday!

 This is fantastic! What I mean is that I can look at my blog and see I haven't worked on anything for my personal/professional writing since last week. This morning I'm planning and assessing work, I'll go home for lunch and tutor Wystan in math, then head to coffee bar for working on that EMDR article. I did get some writing done as far as the personal experiences, because I want to give examples, but I do want to shorten those down for the article.

I realize I'll have two versions of many of our articles, the one with more Memoir and the one I'm sending out to publish.

This reflective blog is truly helping me so I can see where my line of thinking is.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Finish something

 Well it's true, I'm looking again at all the things I've done. I'm really good at starting out. I'm really good at getting words down in the voice to text. I'm somewhat good of transferring those over to a file to get started. But then I realize what I need to really finish any of these articles.

Pretty much finished my EMDR at the movies, but I'm not finished. What I mean is I need to get the sources, I need to build the filmography, and I just need to send it out to somewhere like psychology today. I need to look at the psychology today article and get that thing written.

So I see that about three or four sources for these articles. I might even just pay note to how Psychology today have articles online. I'll talk about Cinema therapy, as an additional tool.

Really the EMDR in finding movies that the eyes go back and forth?

I just need to put on a little frosting on the cake. And then get this sent out.

My three things

EMDR article

Trickster article

Who I am as a lover of movies, three favorite mental rom coms

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

A Space for Reporting My Writing Progress

 I tried planning my latest work as a list of things in Google Docs. It was things I've completed and things I'm working on. However that didn't work well. I need to know then I am indeed working on something, and plan for that work to happen every week. I see that the semester start is showing where I won't have time to work on private things unless I really make it so, private things meaning the book which also gives me the academic status. But I want to write the book! So it has to become part of my academic workload.

What I really mean is I can come to this blog and see what I'm doing. I'll just need to remember to post every time I work on something but that won't be too much of a problem. I did this during a lot of my other writing times, as well as the Grant I had for research.

With a set, today I'm working on that night large I say that I hope to get published in the Journal of religion and film. It's about the need or desire to look for cultural hero tricksters and how they are portrayed in film. I just thought of that house screenwriters use mythology and Mythic structures as well as how they are just brought up in the natural writing process. Are we each hard-wired to desire this trickster person who is in the liminal and will fight for those who can't

 I started At the Movies with a poet in my google docs


I will need to watch:

FastFood Naiton




what I've learned today:

I read through what the articles look like on journal of religion and film

I might need to work on the longer piece with the memoir, but cut the memoir before I send off?

Keep both versions, use the original and cite this appeared in a different format

I will need to be somewhere with my books to get the writing done