Saturday, September 22, 2018

Days 24 and 25

I am getting past that worried that I'm not getting done what I want to get done into finishing these projects and seeing that the work has come to fruition.

When Victory is finishing the syllabus and course policy statement for the psychology of Poetics class. I submitted them last night.

Another Victory is the collaboration between Barbara and me. We are both finding it regenerative, allowing for 2 or 3 hours at as a space to create allows for a lot to happen especially as we return to the same space, the pond and Gage Park just close to the Rose Garden. I've noticed she starts with sketching a tree, something she said she never makes time for just to sit down and sketch. I noticed I don't allow for a lot of time for me just to sit down and write whatever comes to mind, that many of my poems are generated from prompts or impulses that hit me to write the poem instead of immersing myself into a space. Even when I did the poems for this removed Utopia, I didn't allow for enough time to truly immerse myself into each space I wrote from. We were also pleased to think we're not sure what this work will look like what it will turn out to be. I started imagining I 1 complete pond made of different parts of poems and her photographs and sketches. I really enjoyed doing the concrete poem of the pond, and I wonder if that is a form I could repeat to show that the same pond is not the same pond that it is a different Pond every time you visit. This is because not only something has changed in it and the water has changed and the landscape has changed but the viewer has also changed.

We do have a lot of yard work today, but I am marking today as another day of riding as I collect the books about childhood which can be found here:

I will be doing some initial response writing, as well as sending Kevin the response poems for his Three Palms you recently sent me. Sure it's a lot of work I did

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